Sounds of the Sun

The “Sounds of the Sun” series considers the fragility of life through the fundamental role of the sun. The artwork is a three dimensional interpretation using segments of recorded audio of the sun’s activity—a testament to the space between what is heard and what is communicated at the barest frequency. The generated landscape evokes an earthly terrain, exposing the presence of the universal formula.

The sculpture pays tribute to monuments to the sun built in centuries past. Time’s passage—from its inception to the constant present, from the distant sun to life on earth—is referenced through the artist’s process. As with time, which cannot be reversed, the shape of the sculpture is created by a singular and continuous pass of the blade.

Sounds of the Sun

The “Sounds of the Sun” series considers the fragility of life through the fundamental role of the sun. The artwork is a three dimensional interpretation using segments of recorded audio of the sun’s activity—a testament to the space between what is heard and what is communicated at the barest frequency. The generated landscape evokes an earthly terrain, exposing the presence of the universal formula.

The sculpture pays tribute to monuments to the sun built in centuries past. Time’s passage—from its inception to the constant present, from the distant sun to life on earth—is referenced through the artist’s process. As with time, which cannot be reversed, the shape of the sculpture is created by a singular and continuous pass of the blade.